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As you are aware the World Wide Web is a collection of electronic documents that are linked together like a spider web. As you explore this Network you will find lots of information on marketing. In fact we estimate that you will locate no less than 10,000 documents or web sites on marketing.
The marketing websites or pages are located on computers which are called servers. Some servers are exclusively dedicated to marketing.
If a marketing supplier is sufficiently committed to their marketing that they develop their own server technology to service marketing customers then you can be reasonably confident that they are there for the long haul.
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The Internet abounds with all sorts of information on marketing, but unless you can be reasonably sure of its source and accuracy, be wary. For example, information about marketing posted in Internet newsgroups can be flawed. Even if the marketing document contains great technical detail, there is often no hard evidence to back up the claims. Don't make the mistake of accepting gossip as truth, which may prove to be professionally and financially embarrassing.
While embarrassment is rarely fatal, more serious consequences can result from following marketing advice posted in newsgroups or on websites. While someone may be well-meaning in offering the information, can you trust it? Is this person a marketing consumer who has actually purchased and used the products or are they just an opinionated individual? Or are they a competitor?
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